Monday, June 07, 2010

Stolen Moments

Good Evening Garlic Fans

Once again, a thousand-and-one apologies for our extended absence.

We have not been cleared off the DL just yet, as in the past week, we've had a few Doc appointments, one, with the Orthopedic, that has our ailing shoulder/Rotator Cuff feeling some better, but not all the way.

Between those, and a building, growing list of projects on the homefront, we sacrificed computer time (which included one day of some much needed maintenance).

It will still be a few days before we resume posting (more Doc appointments this week), however, we will endeavor to get back in the saddle at the earliest.

In the meantime, for tonight, groove on the great vocalist, Mark Murphy, who wrote the lyrics to this killer Oliver Nelson tune.

Mark Murphy - Stolen Moments.wmv

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