14 June 2007... On The Garlic
Libby, Libby, Libby ... It's A Scooterpalooza!
14 June 2006... On The Garlic
Developing Story! Bush Use Of Electronic Signal May Have Been Employed To Lull Opponents; White House Being Investigated For Using Mosquito-like Device On Congress, Media; Frequency Employed Allowed Bush Team To Sell War, Avoid Laws and Stymie Prosecutor
Top Ten Cloves: Why Members Of The Congress Voted Themselves A Raise Yesterday
14 June 2005... On The Garlic
Jackson Cleared; Ponders Future; Considers Children's Album and Moving Neverland To Vegas
Schwarzenegger Calls for Special Elections; New Republican Strategy as Cue Taken From Frist To End-Run Rules
"More Losses" Light Flashing For Krispy Kreme
Top Ten Cloves: Other British Memo Comments on Bush Administration Strategies
Saturday, June 14, 2008
This Date ... On The Garlic
Friday, June 13, 2008
Little Russ Gone ...
My, My, My ...
Timmy Russert has shuffled off to that big, beloved, bilious Buffalo in the sky.
I will, in all likelihood, do a Garlic Obit on this later, tomorrow, or at some point, however, we have to get this down now.
I had been working when the first NYT News Alert dropped in (Fri 6/13/2008 3:29 PM), with the startling news - "Tim Russert Is Dead of a Heart Attack, His Family Says".
Talk about it being Friday the 13th!
Since I had the television on, and tuned to MSNBC, I whipped around and they had some flood story on, then David Shuster came back and they went off into a political story (or vice versa) ...
Strange, I thought, that they weren't breaking with the news.
It must have been another 3+ minutes before the blaring graphics and fanfare of "Breaking News" filled the screen, and, while expecting Shuster to level with the news, low-and-behold, it was none other than retired anchorman, Tom Brokaw.
And I immediately began laughing, hysterically.
No, not at the news of Timmy passing away, but rather of the old Saturday Night Live skit, with Dana Carvey impersonating Brokaw, taping, one-after-another, breaking news notices on the death of President Gerald Ford (he hadn't passed away yet).
Unbelievably sublime ... And, hysterical
And here it is;
It's wall-to-wall tributes on the television, as well as out on the World Wide Web.
Will Bunch/Attytood: Tim Russert, 1950-2008
Wonkette: A Video Tribute To Tim Russert, Dead Today At 58
Greg Sargent/TPM - Report: Tim Russert Has Passed Away
Chris Cillizza: On Tim Russert
Andrew Sullivan: Big Russ's Son II
Mediabistro - Death of Tim Russert: CNN and FNC Report
Howard Kurtz and William Branigin: NBC's Tim Russert Dies at 58; Host of 'Meet the Press' Stricken While at Office
Skippy the bush kangaroo: tim russert dead, news lives on
This Date ... On The Garlic
13 June 2007... On The Garlic
Chinese Surname Problem Equals Golden Career Op For Bush - Name Czar
13 June 2006... On The Garlic
Breaking News! Cheney Pushed President Out Of Washington To Avoid Subpoena; President’s Surprise Iraq Visit Not Diplomacy; White House Wanted Distance From Rove; Staff Gets Info Wrong, Thought Bush’s Brain Indicted; Wanted President Out Of Capital, Away From Subpoenas
Top Ten Cloves: Things Overheard At Bush's Camp David War Summit
13 June 2005... On The Garlic
Bush To Merge Two Agenda Items To Get Approval; Private Patriot Acts For Those Who Open Private SS Savings Accounts
Tyson Says Media Twisted His Words
Some G8 Members Concerned About Cancelled Debt
Top Ten Cloves: Surprising Things Dick Cheney Will Say In His Hannity Interview Tonight
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Paging Linda Blair ...
"Your mother sucks cocks in hell ..."
No, Stumblin' Bumblin' John McCain isn't denigrating and chewing out his wife again.
But it may be words the Governor of Louisiana has heard.
Eric Kleefeld and Kate Klonick, over on TPM Election Central, have a rip-roaring tale today;
Is Bobby Jindal -- Who May Be On McCain's Veep Shortlist -- An Exorcist?
But one of Jindal's job titles hasn't gotten much attention -- and it just might prompt a few questions if his Veep candidacy gains steam: Exorcist.
As others noted during his 2003 and 2007 gubernatorial campaigns (see update), in an essay Jindal wrote in 1994 for the New Oxford Review, a serious right-wing Catholic journal, Jindal narrated a bizarre story of a personal encounter with a demon, in which he participated in an exorcism with a group of college friends. And not only did they cast out the supernatural spirit that had possessed his friend, Jindal wrote that he believes that their ritual may well have cured her cancer.
Hmmm .. That has to lead to more questions, like has Jindal ever been hired to find Johnny Favorite, or, has he met Mr. Louis Cyphre?
With Jindal being touted as climbing that greasy Republican ladder, perhaps the McCain Camp has other designs, like having Jindal exorcise all the Stumblin' and Bumblin' out of McCain.
Or, maybe this is to ease Linda Blair into the campaign, since Barack Obama has already sewn up Scarlett Johansson.
We shall see ...
Go over to and read Is Bobby Jindal -- Who May Be On McCain's Veep Shortlist -- An Exorcist? ...
It's a gas!
Bonus Links
Jesus General: Your Mother Sews Socks That Smell
Jay Newton-Small: Jindal's Exorcism
Perrin On McCain, Clinton and Pornographic Ringtones
He's A Senator - And A Dessert Topping!

On This Date ... On The Garlic
12 June, 2006... On The Garlic
Breaking News! - Bush Didn’t Want “Another Mission Accomplished” On His Hands; Bush Talked Out Of Having Zarqawi Photo Lay In Capital Rotunda; Sources Say West Wing “Run Ragged” With President’s Efforts To Tone Down Terror Rhetoric
Top Ten Cloves: How Staff Is Dealing With Robert Byrd Now Being Longest-Serving Senator
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Hmmm ... I Wonder If Cindy Kisses His Balls ...
Stumblin' Bumblin' John McCain is now stumblin' and bumblin' in the world of Golf merchandise.
On his campaign website, there's the John McCain Store, and among the bevy of Stumblin' and Bumblin' items for sale, is a Golf Package (They call it "Father's Day McCain Golf Pack", available for the low, low price of $50).
And with this retail foray, the Stumblin' and Bumblin' staff got a refresher in the "Be careful, you might get what you ask for ..." department.
From John Cole, over on Balloon Juice
High Comedy at the McCain Golf Store
I think the Stumblin' Bumblin' John McCain website crew has taken it down, and I don't want to spoil it for ya ...
It's hysterical .. Jump on over there to check it out...
And, Cindy, the kitchen whiz wife...
As we ask in the title, does "Cindy kiss his balls?"
Go Here, to check the legend of that ...
Bonus Links
Brilliant at Breakfast: Now that's comedy
No Intel Inside
The Bob Dole For The New Millennium
Retro Garlic: I Phone, You Phone, We All Phone For The G3 Phone ...
Well ... Someone had to be first, ponying up that extra $400 bucks last year ...
3G iPhone will be available next month for $199
Apple CEO Steve Jobs on Monday celebrated the iPhone's one-year birthday a few weeks early by unveiling a cheaper and faster version of the device that is part phone and part mini-computer.You can watch the video of it Here ...
The widely anticipated announcement of a 3G iPhone - dubbed 3G for AT&T's "third generation" network - at Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco was greeted with the kind of enthusiasm found at rock concerts. The new iPhone will be available July 11 in the United States and 21 other countries for as low as $199, down from $399. When the original model was released June 29 last year, it cost $599.
Or, find out The Really Big Thing About The New iPhone, Here ...
While this new iPhone was rumored (and, like Hillary, inevitable) back last November, but, of course, it was shrouded in that infamous Steve Jobs secrecy.
Like only a handful of others, The Garlic has broken many a scoop when it comes to Apple.
So, to enlighten all those new G3 owners, we'll take a stroll down Retro Garlic Lane, to check out a few ...
Apple Takes Blog Ruling As New Club On Criticism and Dissent
Apple Announcement Today May Unveil Miers iPod
New iPod Phone Requires Downloading Calls
iSqueal Busy Over Stock Slide and iPod Rumor
Apple Settles With Cisco!; Rolling Dice With New iBeckham Phone; Jobs Promises Aging Soccer Star Can Store "Billions of Photos" of Himself; New "Posh" Command Added
Top Ten Cloves: Other Features Of New iPhone Not Mentioned At MacWorld

This Date ... On The Garlic
11 June 2007... On The Garlic
It's About The Legacy, Stupid! ... The Results - The Garlic Weekly Poll
Top Ten Cloves: Ways CIA Will Cut Back On Using Contractors
11 June 2006... On The Garlic
Weekend Special - Sautéed Cloves 11 June 2006
Results from The Garlic's Weekly Poll June 4 - June 11 2006: “The Marine’s cover-up of the massacre in Haditha is because of ...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Change You Can't Really Believe In
Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took ...
Don't know much about geography
Don't know much trigonometry
Don't know much about algebra
Don't know what a slide rule is for ...
Sam Cooke's "Wonderful World (Don't Know Much)
We have already noted that Stumblin' Bumblin John McCain is The Gift That Refuses To Stop Itself From Giving, and early on in this campaign, he continues to come through in flying colors.
Spectacular flying colors.
The speech last week, the one that would have stumped and mystified Leonard Pinth Garnell, leaving the tart-tongued reviewer "deliciously absent of proper condemnation", but one example (and inside it, this little nugget).
And, of course, first, Scott McClellan's book, and now the Senate Intelligence Report, is blowing holes you could drive the Straight Talk Express bus through on SB John's Iraq position.
So, what's this week latest installment?
Only This ...
McCain thinks Putin is the President of Germany
Say What?
Did it slip under-the-radar, that the McCain Camp has hired Miss Teen South Carolina for their Foreign Policy team?
Or, did The Commander Guy throw some help to him, teaching him on how to use The Google?
Or, Mark Penn, to draw up their maps?
Frankly, Barack Obama can likely set his schedule to only go out campaigning part-time, as long as Stumblin' Bumblin' John McCain continues to make public appearances and speeches.
But for you Die Hard Stumblers and Bumblers, you can look forward, if he does manage to Stumble and Bumble his way into the Oval Office, to this;
McCain: 'I will veto every single beer'
Like we've been saying, this is going to be an awful lot of fun ...

This Date ... On The Garlic
10 June 2007... On The Garlic
Of Talking Head Paloozas ... Ahh, Dennis, I'll Take Has-Been Hosts for $500, Please ... And Wait A Minute, Didn't You Read This Before? ...
10 June 2005... On The Garlic
Bush Lobbies For Patriot Act; RSVP's To Terrorists Not In; May Move Sunset Provisions To Clear Skies Act
Aruba Struggles With Investigation But Plans For Future; Talks Started With CBS; Planning CSI Theme Park To Bolster Tourism
Top Ten Cloves: Other Ways Howard Dean Plans On Annoying The Republicans
Monday, June 09, 2008
Editor's Note: Yes, Again ...
Good Evening Garlic Fans
We hope you are all well, especially for you reading from one of the sections of the country stuck in the 90+ degree heat ...
No posts today, specifically due to another homefront situation with the Aunt yesterday.
Once again, had to get her to the hospital, as multiple complaints were building up and, in the "better-safe-than-sorry" mode, took her up.
Surprisingly, she only had a minor ailment (it was not heat-related), and was not admitted, so we got home late last evening.
Today brought extra monitoring of her, primarily due to a new med being introduced (as well as the heat, before we got cooled off with a sea breeze), a detailed consultation with her doctor (a variety of items), meeting with Elder Services, visiting relatives, and rescuing a neighbors' car from the tow trucks (due to street cleaning).
So, with a rather hectic past 24-36-hours, not feeling especially creative this evening (trust me, my "Deleted" file is packed with attempted narratives of a handful of hot news items).
I had intended to do another post, or two yesterday, and will get the one completed up tomorrow.
Stay Cool!
So, not to leave you empty-handed, groove on this classic (a personal favorite; IMHO, the best rendition of this tune) ...
'Dindi' by Willie Bobo
This Date ... On The Garlic
9 June 2006... On The Garlic
Top Ten Cloves: Things About Tom Delay’s Last Day In Congress
9 June 2005... On The Garlic
Second Shoe Drops: Govt. To Pay Tobacco Companies; Written Apology For Putting Smoking Exec's "Through Hell" Also Part of Settlement
Chicago Braces For Millions and End Of The World; Red Sox-Cubs Match-up First Since 1918; Cataclysmic Clash of Curses Expected
Top Ten Cloves: Other Things That Make Barbara Walters Uncomfortable
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The Thrill of Jim McKay
When hearing of a prominent obituary, The Garlic often goes into satire mode (like here, for instance, or here).
However, hearing the news late yesterday, on the passing of sportscaster Jim McKay, brought about sadness.
McKay was likable enough, and certainly was in the right place at the right time, with ABC covering the 1972 Summer Olympics, McKay anchored the coverage of that terrible tradegy.
From The NYT;
His professionalism and sensitivity melded in 1972. During the Munich Olympics, as he left the hotel sauna and was about to go into the swimming pool on his only day off, he received word that Arab terrorists had invaded the Israeli living quarters in the Olympic Village. Mr. McKay hurried to the studio, and for 16 consecutive hours he anchored ABC’s extraordinary news coverage, with field reporting from Peter Jennings, Howard Cosell and others.
The episode ended with the killing of 11 Israeli athletes, coaches and trainers. When that word reached Mr. McKay, he said he thought that he would be the person who told the family of David Berger, an Israeli-born weight lifter whose family lived in Shaker Heights, Ohio, “if their son was alive or dead.”
He looked at the lens and said, “They’re all gone.”
What and where I remember McKay most from is the Saturday, 5PM show, ABC's Wide World of Sports.
Every week, McKay highlighted a sports event, anything from boxing, swimming, skating, skiing, auto racing or weightlifting, to more exotic offerings, such as curling or rodeo.
And what's the big deal of that?
Well, if you happen to grow up in the 1960's, that was one of the few sports shows on television.
Back, before the 24/7/365, zillion-channel world of cable, it was extremely slim pickings.
For basebell, you only had the Saturday, Game-of-the-week (and not until the late 60's, with advent of UHF channels, did we start getting a trickling of the home town team games, almost exclusively, road games, not home games).
Sundays brought the NFL doubleheader (and being stuck here in New England, we always got beamed the New York Football Giants' games) on CBS, while NBC picked up the fledgling AFL schedule.
Like I said, slim pickings.
And, above all else, I can thank Wide World of Sports for giving me the love-of-my-life for that period of time.
One reason for the religious viewing, especially in Fall and Winter, was to, hopefully, catch ice skater Janet Lynn.
Lynn, who won a Bronze in the 1972 Olympics was, perhaps, heir to be the darling of the ice skating world, left void by Laurance Owen, and the 1961 U.S. Figure Skating Team, who all perished in a plane crash.
It was a big-time crush for this young boy, who would have been happy if every Wide World of Sports program was with Janet Lynn.
So long Jim McKay ...
You gave us many more thrills, than agony ...
Bonus Links
Jim McKay, 86; pioneer sports broadcaster covered kidnapping at Munich Games
Legendary Sports Journalist, Father Of CBS News Pres., Jim McKay Dies
Jim McKay, `ABC Wide World of Sports' Host, Is Dead (Update2)
US sports' McKay dies, told world of Munich tragedy
Bonus Bonus
Thrill of victory
1972 Winter Olympics Janet Lynn
Something Cool
A little treat today, especially if you are in the Northeast (as well as other locations), where we are in Day 2 of an expected four-day heatwave (90+, and very humid).
Since I couldn't find a YouTube of Carmen's McRae's "Heatwave", we go in the other direction.
June Christy.
Christy made a name for herself with the Stan Kenton Orchestra (you can check her out here, from 1945, on 'Tampico'), back in the day of big bands, with boy or girl crooners, before striking out on her own (dig her here, accompied by Nat King Cole and Mel Torme - on drums - with 'How High The Moon')
She may not be on the same rung with Ella, or Sarah, but she is, in my book, definitely, on the ladder, and way up there.
Here's June Christy with 'Something Cool
And, since we mentioned Stan Kenton, and you like the heat, a bonus treat of the Kenton Band, circa early 1970's, from a concert in London, with "El Manisero", otherwise known as "The Peanut Vendor".
Stay Cool, however you do it ...
Something To Look Forward To ...
Well, since we won't have Hillary interrupting our summer, we should have time to kick back and enjoy this;
A zany cartoon debut for an animated pair; New turn for 'Click & Clack' and PBS
Yes, that zany pair from NPR's 'Car Talk", Ray and Tom Magliozzi, are hitting the small screen, in an animated cartoon, highlighting ... Well, what else, their zaniness.
"As the Wrench Turns" is a tongue-in-cheek take on what Click and Clack's off-air lives might be like, featuring those familiar radio voices in exaggerated car toon bodies. It centers on a fictionalized version of the brothers' car repair shop in Cambridge, where some characters glug motor oil in coffee cups and a local politician is named Marty Bezzle. (The campaign button reads "M. Bezzle.")Can't wait to see the show credits on this one!
"How much stupid stuff can we possibly - oh, in that case, the show might be able to go on forever," Ray Magliozzi said in a recent conference call with his brother, who pointed out that all they had to do for the show was sit in a studio and read a script.
"It's dumb work; we didn't have to think much," Tom Magliozzi said. "We usually don't."
Bonus Links
As The Wrench Turns

This Date ... On The Garlic
8 June 2007... On The Garlic
Disjointed Chief - Peter Pace Is Jumpin' ... Another Garlic Song
8 June 2006... On The Garlic
Top Ten Cloves: Some Of The American Values President Bush Wants Immigrants To Adopt
8 June 2005... On The Garlic
Details Emerge From Apple-Intel Deal; Intel Breaks From Tradition, Must Promo 'Apple Outside'
Harris of Florida To Run For Senate; Says She's Not Worried, Knows How To 'Get The Votes'
C.I.A Beefing Up Translator Recruitment; 'Speaking The Language' Top Priority For New Hires
Top Ten Cloves: Things Overheard At The Bush-Blair White House Meeting