Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Top Ten Cloves: If CEO's, World Leader's Could Wear Pajamas To Work

10. Bernie Ebbers: Black-and-White Stripes

9. Jeff Bezos: Hasn't reached the point yet where he can wear pajamas to work

8. Summer Redstone: One-piece, red flannel, with trap door

7. Donald Rumsfeld - Just skivee's, or the one's with tanks and helicopters on them

6. Larry Ellison: Long, flowing white robe, with staff

5. Kirstie Alley - All the left over fabric from The Gates

4. Dick Cheney - Something like the Electric Cowboy, that light up - courtesy of his buddies on the Energy Commission

3. Martha Stewart - Kind'a got used to the orange jumpsuit she wore in prison

2. Steve Jobs - Won't say until next MacWorld Keynote; Will sue if anyone reveals it before then

1. Tony Blair - Whichever one's President Bush lays out for him

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