News Item: Saudi Ambassador Abruptly Resigns, Leaves Washington
10. Made reference to “Iraq Civil War” in the presence of President Bush and was promptly deported back to Saudi Arabia
9. Wanted to leave earlier but stayed to collect his year-end dividend from The Carlyle Group
8. Didn’t feel safe in USA, after reports of State Department using Google to gather their Intelligence
7. Leaving early, so he doesn’t get called to testify at Scooter Libby’s trial next month
6. Heard a rumor that blogger Michele Malkin was getting ready of accusing him of exaggerating the violence in Iraq
5. Bush has been badgering him for a New Way Forward
4. Panicked ... Heard rumors that Saudi Arabia was considering trading him for Alan Iverson
3. Lost a bet ... Said he’d leave and go home as soon as Bush’s ratings dropped below 30%
2. Was outraged that Tom DeLay started blogging and is leaving in protest
1. Really liked eating at Taco Bell restaurants and with the latest E. Coli breakout...

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