Monday, July 31, 2006

Top Ten Cloves: How Joe Lieberman Handled New York Times Editorial Endorsing Ned Lamont

News Item: Editorial - A Senate Race in Connecticut

10. Huddled with Vice President Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Ken Mehlman and the RNC Machine, to see if they had any ideas on how to handle it

9. Exhausted, from riding around New York City all day, buying all the copies of the Sunday New York Times

8. Made a lunch date with Judy Miller, to get some dirt on Editor Bill Keller, or Publisher Arthur Sulzberger

7. Livid and filing lawsuit, believing that the line about “warped version of bipartisanship” was a derogatory jab at his kiss with President Bush

6. Let Fox News know his schedule is open for any and all interviews

5. Already had it covered, when, weeks ago, filed papers for a subscription to The Washington Post

4. Called Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) to see if he wanted to swap races

3. After checking on Senate Doping rules, had staff looking into getting some of Floyd Landis’ Testosterone so he could finish strong

2. Frustrated, after spending all Saturday evening waving a fistful of covert CIA Agents’ names that Bob Novak could expose in his column, just to deflect the news of the endorsement

1. Cheap campaign photo stunt of lining bird cage bottom with NYT Editorial page went haywire, as trained parrot went off-script and began jabbering while cameras rolling “We endorse Ned Lamont in the Democratic primary for Senate in Connecticut ... Squawk! ... We endorse Ned Lamont in the Democratic primary for Senate in Connecticut ... Squawk!”

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