Friday, December 14, 2007

Editor's Note - Technical Difficulties - Namely, 11-Inches of Snow!

Good Evening Garlic Fans

Hope you are well - especially those of you in the Northeast (or wherever), perhaps still digging out of this LATE AUTUMN, hours-long mini-blizzard just received.

Where the Garlic Patch sits, 11-inches of, mostly, light, powdery snow to deal with (there was, briefly, near the end, some sleet or frozen rain mix in it, giving the last inch, or two, a bit more weight).

And, if you are in the area, I hope you find the political huffing-and-puffing over the storm, or more to-the-point, clearing the roads, most, deliciously, humorous.

Quite the amount of chest-beating going on, over drives and travel, that, normally would take 20-minutes, turned into 4-5-hours ordeals yesterday, due to heavily-falling snow, causing vehicles to go at the breakneck speed of a mile-or-two-an-hour.

Where were the sanders, where were the plows, the leather-lunged pols were screaming, with red face and bulging neck veins.

Well, they were stuck in the same traffic, being that business shut down and let people go home all at the same time ... Schools ran their full day, not letting students out early, which had their buses in the middle of the gridlock (and students getting home, 5-6-hours later, in many cases).

And all this brouhaha was in the face of the local weatherman, who called it exactly as it played out, imploring, beseeching, people to listen, as the height of the heaviest snow would be falling during the commuting hours.

So, we are having Technical Difficulties this evening, chiefly, I am far too tired to finish off three posts already started, with any thing close to level of creativity that I demand, let alone you, our readers.

True, I could turn to replicating - copy-and-pasting - just about anything coming out of the Bush Grindhouse, and the humor and satire content-of-the-day would be met.

But that isn't how it works.

It is with gasping, and ebbing, energy I type this note, having just risen from the second of two, deep, power naps in the past three-hours.

So, with a good, sound night of sleep (hopefully, oh yes, ever so hopefully), we will be back on the case tomorrow, the calm before our next storm on Sunday (shaping up to be a snow-rain mix here).

Thanks again for visiting, and reading, The Garlic.


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