Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Walmart To Girl Scouts: "Tough Cookies!"

What's next for Walmart?

Are they going to reproduce famous childrens books, plugging themselves into them?

You know, like "Little Red Riding Hood", with the girl going to Walmart to pick up the flowers suggested by the Big Bad Wolf?

Jack and Jill.

"Jack and Jill go up a hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after."
So, in this new story, Jack and Jill trot off to Walmart, to buy a new, non-spill bucket, probably made in China, and unaware of the lead paint.

Why the Walmart outrage today?

This screaming headline that fell into our Inbox;

Mom Accuses Walmart of Going After Girl Scouts ... Says Retailer Rolls Out Private-Label 'Fake' Thin Mints, Tagalongs
Walmart, which has been going after a lot of brands lately with the restage and expansion of its Great Value private label, now appears to be taking on the Girl Scouts.


Ms. Harquail was for years the "Cookie Mom" for her daughter's troop, so she said she recognized right away the distinct flavor and texture of Thin Mints and Tagalongs, the Girl Scouts' two most popular varieties, when she sampled them at the recent BlogHer conference in Chicago. Trouble is, they weren't Girl Scout cookies. They were "beta" versions of Great Value products, which the retailer was touting heavily in a substantial presence at the event for mainly mommy bloggers.

And, on her blog, C.V. Harquail adds;
I take these fake cookies, this threat to the Girl Scouts by Wal-mart, quite personally. For several years, I was the Cookie Mom for my daughters’ troop, teaching the girls how to set goals, budget their time and money, and work together to sell cookies. I’ve seen the girls’ excitement when it’s time to sell, and their pride when they get to deliver the cookies. And, I’ve slept in the damp tent on the camping trips that the cookie proceeds paid for. So yeah, this one really hits home.

Wal-mart can sell all the hunting equipment, cheap plastic gizmos and clothes made in sweatshops that it wants to sell. But why must they encroach upon the market of a non-profit? Why do they have to go after the Girl Scouts?

It's probably just the beginning of a huge plot of Walmart's, the ultimate goal of disbanding and destroying the Girl Scouts.

After all, you don’t want to have a group of young, organized girls, who may grow up to want to stay organized, like, say, in a union that would better their workplace environment.

Bonus Walmart Riffs

Wal-Mart Watch

Brave New Films Robert Greenwald - Walmart: The High Cost of Low Cost

Shop Until You Drop ... Dead! ... Or: Black Groundhog Day

Walmart To Appeal $172M California Fine ...Workers Will Have To Continue To Go Without Meals While Case Stays In Courts

With New War Room, Bush Calls On Wal-Mart To Join Coalition Forces ...Retail Giant 'Could Outfit Millions of Troops"; Military Will Limit Benefits and Consider Waiver For Illegal Workers

1 comment:

ben said...

MediaCurves.com just conducted a study on 307 viewers of a news clip discussed the recent controversy involving Walmart and the Girl Scouts. The majority (58%) of respondents who are parents of Girl Scout members said that they have a more negative perception of the discount store after watching the news clip. Over a third of these Girl Scout parents (35%) reported that they are now less likely to shop at Walmart stores after learning of the Girl Scout cookie controversy. For more in-depth results please visit http://www.mediacurves.com/NationalMediaFocus/J7486-GirlScouts/Index.cfm.