Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Top Ten Cloves: Why Democratic Leadership Isn’t Backing Feingold’s Censure of President Bush

10. Thought he was bringing up a “Census” Bill, and was really over-the-edge

9. Fear they’ll get tagged, and embarrassed, with being first veto by President Bush

8. With President talking about Medicare today, elderly with hearing troubles may confuse “censure” with “dentures” and party loses votes

7. Well, Lieberman might back it, but that’s more like getting one from the other side of the aisle

6. Fears that Pat Robertson will label them “satanic”

5. Worried, if it isn’t happening already, that they’ll be illegally wiretapped

4. Upset he brought it to the floor during March Madness

3. Obama not sure he’ll vote for it, but has interest in recording it … Sounds like Grammy material

2. Wanted to wait until President Bush dropped to below 30% in polls

1. If the vote for Censure ends in a tie, that brings in Cheney, and, Lord knows, what will happen with that

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