Might as well ask, about there, since there hasn't been much going on here, on The Garlic, of recent times.
So sorry, Garlic Fans, as we have been flat out, jammin' with a multitude of things on the homefront.
When The Aunt was released from short-term Rehab, nearly a month ago, we implemented a Hospice here at home (not that she is terminal for anything other than her age, a few weakening parts, and the advancement of dementia), and that has had us hopping.
In the past week (through today), we've had two, separate, unrelated incidents to deal with that required our full, constant attention, leaving us little in the gas tank to be anything but dog-tired.
We are well-aware of our scant posting, and endeavoring to summon back the mojo, to get back in-the-groove of riffing on some of the juicy happenings going on.
So, indulgence is asked, respectfully.
In the meantime, something to go with your Sunday morning coffee, from Sonny Rollins.
Sonny Rollins - How Are Things in Glocca Morra
Saturday, November 21, 2009
How Are Things in Glocca Morra
This Date ... On The Garlic
21 November 2008... On The Garlic
Well, She Could Have Been Shooting Them From A Helicopter ...
Top Ten Cloves: Ways To Tell Your Neighbor Is Being Vetted For An Obama Cabinet Post
21 November 2007... On The Garlic
Happy Holiday ... However You Celebrate it!
21 November 2006... On The Garlic
Breaking News! Fox Bounces The Juice and Brings In The Scooter; OJ Out, Libby In, As Fox Looks To Make Lemonade Out Of Their Lemons; Regan Snares Cheney Aide For “If I Leaked ...” Special; No Hush Money But Donation Made To Defense Fund
21 November 2005... On The Garlic
Murtha Calls For Cheney To Withdraw From Secret Bunker
Top Ten Cloves: Match.com's Reponses To Fraud Charges In Setting Up Fake Dates
Friday, November 20, 2009
This Date ... On The Garlic
20 November 2008... On The Garlic
The Commander Guy Sees His Future
We're In The Hunt! ... Get Your Vote In For The Garlic!
20 November 2007... On The Garlic
Top Ten Cloves: How The Amazon Kindle Can Effect The Legal World
20 November 2006... On The Garlic
Minced Garlic - New Keith Olbermann Special Comment: Lessons from the Vietnam War
Garlic Special - New Pentagon Theme Song
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Top Ten Cloves: Other Things Majority of Republicans Believe ACORN Orchestrated
News Item: Poll: Majority Of Republicans Think Obama Didn't Actually Win 2008 Election -- ACORN Stole It!
10. Smuggling a baby Barack Obama, out of Kenya, and forging a fake Hawaiian Birth Certificate
9. Sinking of The Maine
8. It was ACORN who gave Senator Larry Craig a wide-stance
7. Katie Couric asking Sarah Palin tough questions, like, "What books or magazines do you read?"
6. Acorn planted Congressmen David Vitter's number in the D.C. Madem's phone book
5. Nixon, taking the United States off the Gold Standard
4. Forced Ted Haggard to seek a Masseuse
3. The Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping
2. The Balloon Boy fiasco was really an ACORN Satellite being launched
1. Somehow influenced Bill Belichoke going for it on 4th down
Bonus PartyofNoicans Riffs
Will Bunch-Attytood: The 26 Percent Solution
David Dayen: GOP Fearmongering Succeeds In Casting Doubt On Legitimacy Of The Electoral Process
Spencer Ackerman: A Paucity Of Explanations
Glenn Greenwald: The unconstitutionality of the congressional GOP's ACORN obsession

This Date ... On The Garlic
19 November 2008... On The Garlic
I'm Leavin' On A Jet Plane ...
Our IDOTW Michele Bachmann Is At It - Again!
Oh, Our Hopes Were High ... Cheney, Gonzales Indicted in Texas
Commander Guy Pisses On Interior Department, Marking His Territory
19 November 2007... On The Garlic
Black Bunting and Chalk Outlines ... It's Weekend at Rudy's
Townsend's Lack of Knowledge On Al Qaeda Gets Her Bounced; Sources Say Can't Be Sure She Would Be Able To Get Iran Info Straight
19 November 2006... On The Garlic
Weekend Special - Sautéed Cloves
Ahhh, Mr. Bush, We Need To See You After Class ... The Results - The Garlic's Weekly Poll
19 November 2005... On The Garlic
Weekend Special - Sautéed Cloves
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Barry Crimmins: "So Long Obes"
It was rather sudden, and shocking, to hear the news that star stand-up comic, and television game show host, Ken Ober passed away over the weekend;
Ken Ober dies at 52; host of MTV's 'Remote Control' game show
Ken Ober, ‘Remote Control’ Host, Is Dead at 52
From his Wikipedia page;He received his break after appearing as a contestant on Star Search.[4] He was most widely known for his role on the MTV game show Remote Control,[5] which he hosted for three seasons, spanning 1987 to 1989, then in reruns for an additional two years. That show also helped launch the careers of Adam Sandler, Denis Leary, and Colin Quinn. Ober was known among '90s and '00s audiences for his hosting jobs on Make Me Laugh,[6] Smush, and the ESPN game show Perfect Match.
There's plenty about Ken Ober, his life, and death, out on the World Wide Web.
However, the most moving, the most personal, the most heart-felt post you can find, is from Barry Crimmins, long-time friend of Ken Ober.
So long, ObesAlthough he was an expert needler, he knew exactly how not to be a pain in the ass. During a period when I was besieged by people wasting my time by beating around the bush looking for dates, Ken never squandered a moment of my too-busy days. This was just a small part of the reason I so enjoyed his inordinately good company. I don't recall how it started, but early on Ken and I began mockingly calling each other frattish nicknames. This was not out of respect for the ludicrous campus Greek traditions we had scuffed up against in college. No, it was disdain for the dildoic that made him "Obes" and me "Cribs." This gag, which had been fleshed out over eons of sarcasm and enough drinks to swell a rhino's liver, stuck for the duration of our friendship. It personalized it and gave it a special status. While talking this summer we finally acknowledged that we had become what we had resisted since the days at the Ding: long lost frat brothers from the old Grabba Break house in Cambridge.
Go read the entire post.
Yesterday, when the horrible news of Ken's death reached me, my first thought was of Bear. As tough as it is for humans to lose Ken, it has to be worse for his dog. I've been assured that Bear is in good hands but I feel so bad for him because as unbelievable as Ken's sudden death is to his family and legions of pals, it's got to be worse for a dog who was man's best friend to one of the best men ever. Poor Bear!
I can't imagine I'll ever get over Ken's ridiculously premature death (he was 52). Ask anyone who knew him (and believe me, there won't be anywhere near six degrees of separation between you and Ken) and they'll tell you that he was such a solid and unswerving friend that it seemed like he would always, always be there. Now that he isn't, those of us who were graced by his magnificent friendship know we cannot ever replace him. What we can do is begin to pay down the debt we owe to humanity for having had Ken Ober in our lives for as long as we did. So if you loved Kenny, track down an old friend today to see how they're doing or maybe stop and encourage that taken-for-granted intern on your staff. Take your dog for an extra long walk and let her or him sneak up on the couch. Don't have a dog? Adopt one. Can't have a dog? Make a donation to a no-kill shelter near you.
And, if you knew "Obes", leave a comment for "Cribs" when you finish reading.
Or, just give "Cribs", a shout-out ...
This Date ... On The Garlic
18 November 2008... On The Garlic
Al Giordano - "Mr. President-Elect: Judge Abner Mikva Is Right About Sen. Clinton as Secretary of State"
18 November 2007... On The Garlic
Thomas Friedman, Clearly, Is Eating Lead-Painted Toys From His Flat World Economy!
Comics Come Home Xlll Review, From The Optimistic Curmudgeon
18 November 2005... On The Garlic
Cheney Speech Causes DC Police, Homeland Security Grief
Top Ten Cloves: How Bush Administration Is Spinning Use Of White Phosphorus In Iraq
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Top Ten Cloves: Things Bill Belichick Was Thinking, Just Before Going For It On 4th Down
News Item: Bill Belichick enters another elite club
10: Was trying to remember how much change he had in his pocket
9. Thinking that, maybe, he should have jumped into the NY-23 race
8. Feared many will "Unfriend" him on Facebook if he blows the call
7. Instead of coming up with what play to run, was trying to remember the words to the Bon Jovi tune playing in his head
6. Wondering how meddlesome he would be, if Rush Limbaugh owned the Patriots
5. Since he's married now, debated about pointing out, to Tom Brady, the busty cheerleader on the sidelines
4. Was preoccupied with coming up with anagrams of Peyton Manning's name
3. If he blows it, hoping that Sarah Palin's book coming out will bury his gaffe
2. Should have looked at all the films, of the Colts' signal-calling, before the game
1. Not making it puts him in the chute for one of those "Should'a had a V-8" commercials
Bonus Bill Belichoke Riffs
NYT: Colts Pull Off Improbable Win as Patriots’ Gamble Backfires
TSN: Belichick's Decisions Set Him Apart from Other NFL Coaches
Dan Fogarty: Michael Wilbon Leads Charge Against Belichick’s “Arrogant” Play Call
USA Today: Rodney Harrison: 'The worst decision I've ever seen Bill Belichick make'
George Donnelly: Belichick made the right business decision
Monique Walker: Decision by Belichick still one very hot topic
Bonus Bonus!
Top Ten Cloves: Things Brett Favre Can Expect On His Return To The Green Bay Packers
Top Ten Cloves: Possible Reasons Peyton Manning Threw Six Interceptions Last Evening
Top Ten Cloves: Ways To Tell Your Next Door Neighbor May Be Conducting Illegal Dogfights
This Date ... On The Garlic
17 November 2008... On The Garlic
Top Ten Cloves: Things About The Meeting Today, Between President Elect Obama and John McCain
17 November 2007... On The Garlic
Barry Crimmins Is Rolling ... Snake Eyes!
Kerry Lowers The Boom On Boone ... Or Just Another GOP Smokescreen?
Bonds Indicted ... Let's Have A Barrypalooza!
17 November 2005... On The Garlic
Under Fire, Woodward Offers Reason He Didn't Write Plame Story
Top Ten Cloves: Things Overheard On President Bush's Trip To China
Monday, November 16, 2009
This Date ... On The Garlic
16 November 2008... On The Garlic
Vote For The Garlic!
16 November 2006... On The Garlic
Top Ten Cloves: Reasons Why Oprah Wasn’t Invited To Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes Wedding
16 November 2005... On The Garlic
White House Not Happy, Puts Out RFP For Revisionist To Spin Blame
Top Ten Cloves: Details of Bob Woodward's Appearance Before CIA Leak Grand Jury
Sunday, November 15, 2009
This Date ... On The Garlic
15 November 2008... On The Garlic
Our Ignorant Dolt of The Week ... Dennis Miller!
Spam-A-Lot ...The Eating Kind!
15 November 2007... On The Garlic
Top Ten Cloves: Things Markos Moulitsas Will Have To Look Out For When Working With Karl Rove At Newsweek
Oh No, We Have To ... Another "I'm Shocked, Shocked To Find Gambling Going On Here!"
15 November 2006... On The Garlic
Breaking News! New White House Discord Pits Neocons Versus Bush, Baker; Cheney Launches Iran Study Group; Planning To Up Ante, Outgun Baker’s Recommendation; Rumsfeld Installed As Co-Chair; WHIG Moves Into Secret Bunker, As Neocons Draw Line, Choose Sides
Top Ten Cloves: Ways Jack Abramoff Will Gain Favors While In Prison
15 November 2005... On The Garlic
White House Discord, Aides Say, Locks Bush Into Blame/Denial Strategy
News In Brief - Google May Come To Terms With Publishers; Will Digitize Cliff Notes Only
Top Ten Cloves: How NBC Told Martha Stewart She Was Fired