Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Top Ten Cloves: How Howard Stringer Will Revive Sony

10. Was always partial to Betamax - Time to bring it back!

9. Build up Asian market. Add program to Playstation so players can order sushi

8. Call in favor to Letterman. Place Sony logo on desk

7. Good timing - Dan Rather's looking for work, see if there's a post for him

6. Note: Can't spend time at doctor's; Call contractor to enlarge doorways

5. Develop TV Reality show - Westerner takes over Japanese company; Go heavy with Saki and Karaoke segments

4. Instruct all Japanese employees to stop bowing - Unproductive - time better spent working

3. Throw in some extra footage and re-release all Sony Picture films as 'Director Cuts

2. Call in favor to Toby Maguire: Must dress as Spiderman 24/7/365

1. Say sayonara to Vaio and Hello to sPod

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