Last week was another milestone in the term of our Court-Appointed President, when he, with great authority and gusto declared that “I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation. But I'm the decider, and I decide what is best”
Such a boast wouldn’t be complete without a theme song to it and, The Garlic is more than happy to supply one.
Now, everybody sing along, to the tune of The Beatles “Paperback Writer”
I’m The Decider
Dear Sir or Madam, will you take my word?
It took me 4.5 years to write, to get it nice and blurred
Based on a group from the PNAC
It’s my job, because I’m the decider
It’s the dirty war of a dirty man
And clinging to a war we don’t really understand
But it’s a steady war, because I’m the decider
I’m the decider
It’s a thousand points of light, give or take a few
I’ll be writing more, over the next year or two
I can make them harsher, because, well, that’s my style
But I won’t change it round, because I’m the decider
I’m the decider
If I really want, I can take all your rights
I can make you an enemy combatant overnight
And if the generals complain, we’ll defend our war
And I won’t break, because I’m the decider
I’m the decider
I’m the decider
I’m the decider

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