Monday, June 27, 2005

Top Ten Cloves: Other Places and Events The Denver Three Are Barred From Entering

10. The G8 Summit - Bono doesn't want anyone else getting any PR

9. Any Star Trek Convention

8. Aruba - Island already maxed out with media

7. Fenway Park - Red Sox don't want to take any chances on any new curses

6. Disneyland - Southern Baptists voted new resolution specifically against them

5. The O'Reilly Factor - Well, just the guy is barred; The two woman can come on, but only if they bring a loofa

4. Downing Street - God, the Brits would have to do, yet another, memo on the visit

3. Corporation for Public Broadcasting - They, definitely, are on Ken Tomlinson's "L" list

2. White House Press Room - Scott McClellan and Karl Rove believe that they need therapy

1. Any Tom Cruise Interview - Undoubtedly, they didn't read the research papers and they don't know the subject like Cruise knows it

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