In an effort to get out his message on global warming, reports say that former former Vice President Al Gore, and his wife Tipper, have signed on to appear in the HBO series "Big Love"
Gore will have six wives, with Tipper being Wife #1 and all will be environment activists

Reports also say that the Dixie Chicks will join the cast of Big Love, playing a gay polygamist family, to promote the cause of Same Sex Marriage

Citing the need to "secure my financial future" Prince Charles confirmed rumors that he will host a new British game show "Crown or No Crown"

DreamWorks SKG announced a deal with the Federal Government that will have it's character "Puss In Boots" in bilingual commercials, to be broadcast on Mexican television, warning citizens of the new security measures being taken at the border

eBay CEO Meg Whitman is expected to tell stockholders that she sees "a huge increase" in profits for 2007, with the auctioning of "Temporary Guest Worker Passes"

And Apple's Steve Jobs is said to be in talks with the White House, to digitize the Temporary Guest Worker Passes, called "iJobs" in the beta program demonstrated to Bush Administration officials, and have them downloaded via Apple's iTunes Store.
Undocumented immigrants will need to purchase a special iPod that is sandproof, waterproof, has a special light for night reading and will operate in great heat, such as trunks of cars or back of trailer trucks
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